Memory Eternal to the newly-reposed handmaid of God, Irina! Catechism of Camden (James) Cilley, Pictures from the Sunday before Great Lent (Blini), Annunciation and the Feast of the Cross
January/February 2024
Pictures from Christmas, Bookstore order form, Yolka pictures, Theophany Pictures
Catechesis of Jacob (James) Michel, Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, Info on Friday night catechism classes
2023 Youth and Family Conference in Chicago, attended by many of our parish, Visit from Bishop Auxentios for Sts. John of Kronstadt and Rila, Parish Feast Day of Saint Maximos Orthodox Church in Owego, NY, Clergy Conference in Boston, MA.
90th Birthday of Baba Larissa (Laura) Sergeevna, Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, Updates from the parish council, engagement of two parishioners.
Photos from the Feasts of Dormition and Transfiguration, St. Xenia's Camp, and the parish picnic. Homily on Jesus counseling the Rich Young Ruler.
Sisterhood and parish council updates, sermon on the Man Born Blind.
Pictures from our parish feast day, Sermon of the Sunday of the First Ecumenical Council, Vespers with Metropolitan Demetrius
Celebration of The Resurrection of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ!!! Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Communion of Laurence (Larry) Patt and Luke Bettner, Pictures from Holy Week and the Paschal season, Memory Eternal to our dear parishioner Eleonore Gretzinger, Sermon on Thomas Sunday.
Sermon for the Sunday of Saint Mary, General parish meeting April 30th, Services for the month of April
Catechesis of Roger Champion, Sermon on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, General Parish Meeting will be April 30th - Sunday of the Myrrh Bearers, New church maintenance list. Upcoming services in March
Pictures from the Feast of Nativity (Christmas), Sermon by Father Nicholas on the Parable of the Publican and Pharisee, Pictures of some members of our and other parishes from the 2023 March for Life in Washington DC